26) IcE SkaTiNg
Posted by: Zaim Are'im - Wednesday, 18 May 2011
IcE SkAtiNg Is oNe Of mY hObBy..hehhe SlaLuNye Bile Weekend Akan G skating At sUnWay PiRamiD...Ni Photo Skating Last Year Bulan December Mase Christmas heheh =D
25) HapPy TeAcher's DaY
Posted by: Zaim Are'im -
Hey Guys, How Are u Today ?? As all know i should upload these photo on 16th of May..unfortunately its depend on my frenz which keep these photo..dia bru je upload tadi..so Mase skolah zaim celebrate teacher days tu mcm2 activiti kiteorg laksanakan such as, musical chair, explorace n participant dia of corse la Cikgu2 kat cini sume..Enjoy jgk la tgk cikgu2 ni sume bersukan dengan penuh semangat HAHAHAH..!!!..Ritu caikgu yang plh Cool, Sporting , perangai cam kelakar2 cikit MmG confirm di Tangan Diaorg ade BnyK PreSent heheh..
23) DeVil MuMu
Posted by: Zaim Are'im - Monday, 16 May 2011
DeVil MumU a.k.a Fahmi Hamran..best friend Famlily Kiteorg..Fahmi Mumu also know as Helpful Person..Asal
nak DownLoad Movie Pape ke mmg wajib la cri dia by send him a massage at his fb..heheh Confirm klu dia search mmg jumpe..( Entah ape la Rahsia dia Wakakak) dia mcm Cousin sendri dah ni...dah Lima tahun lebih dah Kenal dia..One more he a big fan of Ziana Zain..Bakat ?? Yess of course Bakat dia melukis..mmg cantek ahh !! =D...Thanks 4 everything Abg Fahmi MuMu
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With his Fav Actress, Ziana Zain |
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Fahmi Mumu yg pakai kemeje Grey Colour tu ! |
22) AliCe In WoNdeRlAnD
Posted by: Zaim Are'im -
TiMe TiMe BowInk2 Jek Mesti KeNa CaRik citer ni jugakk...Don't know la ape yg Attractive sangT Citer ni..heheh Maybe coz Graphic dia cantik..Animation Character dia mcm Abosolom, Jabberwocky , White Rabbit, the Tweedles, and Bayard...Nampak Real jer..Afterwards tempat Wonderland tu Nmpk Best..''Teruja'' la kononnye..hehe Fav Character Zaim ialah..jeng3 hehe The Mad Hatter ( johnny depp ) n of course la Red Queen ( Halena bonHam Carter ) =D
My Fav Character <3 |
21) SeNjAkAla
Posted by: Zaim Are'im -
Not Bad Citer Dia....BestT n banyak Suspen..Seram Lagi ahh..Filem Senjakala adalah filem arahan terbaru Ahmad Idham dan filem keempat terbitan Excellent Picture..citer ni start dengan mimpi yg Liyana Jasmay alami selepas kematian tunangnya yang terlibat dalam sebuah Kemalangan Jalan Raya.So sejak tu Liyana Jasmay pon mendapat mimpi pelik yang memanggil-manggil gadis itu untuk pulang ke kampung ibunya iaitu Kg Senja Lama..Maka Bermula Kisah SenJaKaLa..
20) HaLeNa BoNHaM CarTeR
Posted by: Zaim Are'im - Sunday, 15 May 2011
HaLeNa BoNHaM CarTeR is my fav actres..born 26 May 1966..is an English actress of film, stage, and television Bonham Carter was born in Golders Green, London. Her mother, Elena , is a psychotherapist..Bonham Carter has not received any formal training in acting..in 1979, she won a national writing contest..in 2001, she began her current relationship with director Tim Burton..Burton has taken to casting Bonham Carter in his movies, includingBig Fish, Corpse Bride, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, and Alice in Wonderland...she also known as Bellatrix Lestrange in
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...... |
19) GleE
Posted by: Zaim Are'im -
Hello guys, how are you today..? I hope you will always in a good condition. welcome to my blog guys, and thanks for visit this blog. Today I will give you a some information about Glee Tv Series, and really this is a good news if you a big fans of Glee Season 2,because now glee will be come with a new title and a new episode Glee Season 2. k before I give you a synopsis story about this episode I will give you a recap story about glee in the previous episode, and this is a recap "Sue takes control of the formerly dormant school newspaper and prints incendiary stories hehe=D. Meanwhile, April (Kristin Chenoweth) returns and tries to persuade Will to take off with her; and surprising details about Sam's home life are exposed, gaining him admiration from his classmates". And this is a synopsis about this episode, "Figgins asks the glee kids to perform at McKinley's prom (over the objections of prom coordinator Sue). Meanwhile, the competitions for prom king and queen heat up." So dint forget to watch this episode at Channel 711 ( Astro ) 9.00p.m and
keep wait to watch glee in next episode. Thanks for reading I hope you like it, and dont forget to visit this blog again if you want to find a some information about television...hehe =D Seroiusly citer ni mmg the best bg Zaim..High School Musical pon kalah wakakak ( Laughing)n series.
18) BeSt FrIenD MeAnInG
Posted by: Zaim Are'im - Saturday, 14 May 2011
FoR me best friend is a person closest to your heart, a person where you can rely on, a person that makes you smile, a
person that makes you laugh, a person that makes you think,
a person that pushes you to the limit of your ability, a person
that hugs you when you are in deep
sorrow, a person that knows you well from your family,
background, trait, how many are you in the family, how many
pets you have, how many times a day do you eat, what are you
up to, what are you doing, a person that can help you in
everything that you can ask for.bUT Zaim ade terbace satu
cerita ni Kat Google...Its About a guy Which Name
Zosimos..Bff dia Name manman and Amirin..Satu Hari tu,
kawan dia yg name Amirin tu pon Invite Zosimos ni dtg umah
dia untuk study..So manman pon confirm ade skali dgn diaorg
ni..tapi mase diaorg sume ni tgh khusyuk study..tibe2 je
manman n amirin ni bergossip..agak melotops la sampi
berbisik2 segala bagai..Zosimos ni pon ape lg tegur la diaorgni
pastu diaorg pon stop la bergossip.coz mase diaorg ni sume
gossip..ade pulak terselit nama si Zosimos ni ish3 x patut
kan kutuk2 kwn depan2 plak tu..kalau ye pon..sorok2 la skit
kan ? hehe =D dah stop berbisik diaorg start message gune
handphone msg2 plak da..tak ke terase si zosimos ni..wink*
from this story, we can learned that we must to respect our
friend...Even dia truk camne pon..pandai2 la kite slow talk
ngan dia
person that makes you laugh, a person that makes you think,
a person that pushes you to the limit of your ability, a person
that hugs you when you are in deep
sorrow, a person that knows you well from your family,
background, trait, how many are you in the family, how many
pets you have, how many times a day do you eat, what are you
up to, what are you doing, a person that can help you in
everything that you can ask for.bUT Zaim ade terbace satu
cerita ni Kat Google...Its About a guy Which Name
Zosimos..Bff dia Name manman and Amirin..Satu Hari tu,
kawan dia yg name Amirin tu pon Invite Zosimos ni dtg umah
dia untuk study..So manman pon confirm ade skali dgn diaorg
ni..tapi mase diaorg sume ni tgh khusyuk study..tibe2 je
manman n amirin ni bergossip..agak melotops la sampi
berbisik2 segala bagai..Zosimos ni pon ape lg tegur la diaorgni
pastu diaorg pon stop la bergossip.coz mase diaorg ni sume
gossip..ade pulak terselit nama si Zosimos ni ish3 x patut
kan kutuk2 kwn depan2 plak tu..kalau ye pon..sorok2 la skit
kan ? hehe =D dah stop berbisik diaorg start message gune
handphone msg2 plak da..tak ke terase si zosimos ni..wink*
from this story, we can learned that we must to respect our
friend...Even dia truk camne pon..pandai2 la kite slow talk
ngan dia
17) FaV anD ThE BeSt CoUsIns
Posted by: Zaim Are'im - Thursday, 12 May 2011
15) My SpEcIaL FrEnZ
Posted by: Zaim Are'im - Tuesday, 10 May 2011
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WiTh My BeSt FrIend |
NuRul AIn HuZaIfAh Is So attractive PeRsOn..JugE SeoRaNg PeNgaWaS YaNg TeGasSs !!..NuRuL AiN DiLaHirKan PaDa 1 NOV 1996 HosPTl PuLau PiNang..Fav Fo0d Dia ?? Of CoUrSe La MasSsakan Ibu Die...KaLau Die TgH BosSan MeSti DiA aKan KeMaSs rUmAh Dia BerUngLangKali sAmPaikAn Kat SkoLah pun Dia Lah STuDent Yg RajiN KemAskAn ClaSs..NuRul Minat SanGat SubJecT SaiNs Coz Dia Nak JaDi DoKtOr...YaNg Plg MeNaRIK sKalI Dia MeSti AkaN CiTer TiaP2 Ari PaSal MatLamat HidUp dia Iatu, INGIN BERJAYA DI HIDUP DAN DI AKHIRAT KELAK..ZaIm DoAkAn aGar Cita2 NuRuL TeRcApai..=D
14) kAk WaTiE N kaK AyU
Posted by: Zaim Are'im -
13) SyEd HaRis
Posted by: Zaim Are'im -
sYEd characteristics....TalkAtIve peRsOn In My ClasS...kelAkar Dia Kdg2 aGak MelUcuKan..The SpecIal ThIng AbOut HiM for me is..Every StUdEnT InSiDe My ClAsS LoVe To cAlL Him ''MINYAK'' BeCause Of AyAh dia The OwnEr PETRONAS..
12) LiTeRatUrE hOmEwORk
Posted by: Zaim Are'im -
ErR`~ tHiS WeEk My FoRm TeAchEr/EnGlIsh TeaChEr GaVe Me A lot oF LiTerAtUre '' Dr Jekyll And mR HyDe ExercisE...UntUk NeXt WeEk MiD YeAr ExAm(~-^-~)..
11) HaRrY PoTtEr AnD tHe..
Posted by: Zaim Are'im - Monday, 9 May 2011
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Ni mase HP6...Candid jer ni |
10) My FaV ScHo0L
Posted by: Zaim Are'im - Sunday, 8 May 2011
Smk PuTrAJaYA PrEsInT 9 (2)...This is my School..My Ex School..Student2 kat sini pon SuMe OkaY..OpEn MinDeD..Then Kemudahan dia pon Banyak..Cnthnye = aDe LockeR, lif, BuiLdInG dia YanG BeSar, TemPat FutSal..n OtHers..ThEn KalAu TiMe NaK AsSeMbLy x PrLulah Nak BrDri Leh dUdUk DgN SelEsa..TeMpat Yang Paling BesT ?? Of CoUrSe La LiBrAy..Zaim Kan LiBrIan HeHee =D
9) HaPpY MoThEr'S dAys
Posted by: Zaim Are'im -
RosNa, ShE iS My GrEatEsT SuPeRhEro 4 me...EveRyThinG ShE do 4 Me Such As..CaUsE wHo uSeD to hOld me ad clean me and clothe me..who used to feed me n always be with
i were sick
stayed up all night.Holding me to tight..that's right no
Mother , ROSNA..
Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the wide world over.
the moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.
i were sick
stayed up all night.Holding me to tight..that's right no
Mother , ROSNA..
Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the wide world over.
the moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.
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